A feladat egy csomag része. Van hozzá true or false, szódolgozat és gap-filling feladat is.
Sting was born in 1951. He is a British singer and songwriter, who
gained popularity as the lead singer for the British rock trio the Police
during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Sting is also regarded for his
subsequent career as a solo recording artist, bandleader, and actor. As
a solo musician and member of The Police, Sting has received sixteen
Grammy Awards for his work.
Sting was born born Gordon Sumner in Wallsend, England. His mother was a hairdresser, and his father a milkman. Young Gordon would often assist his father with the early-morning milk-delivery rounds and his "best friend" was an old Spanish guitar which had been left behind by an uncle who had emigrated to Canada. He would often sneak into nightclubs, where he would watch acts such as Cream and Jimi Hendrix, artists who would later influence his own music. After jobs as a bus conductor, a construction labourer, and a tax officer, he attended Northern Counties College of Education from 1971 to 1974 and qualified as a teacher. He then worked as a schoolteacher for two years.
His first music gigs were wherever he could get a playing job. He performed in jazz groups on evenings, weekends, and during breaks from college and from teaching. He also played with local jazz bands. He gained his nickname after he performed wearing a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes while onstage with the Phoenix Jazzmen. Bandleader Gordon Solomon thought that the sweater made him look like a wasp, which prompted the nickname "Sting". When addressed as "Gordon" by a journalist at a press conference, he jokingly stated, "My children call me Sting, my mother calls me Sting, who is this Gordon character?"
With drummer Stewart Copeland and guitarist Henry Palovani, who was replaced almost immediately by guitarist Andy Summers, Sting formed the group the Police in 1978. Their first hit song, "Roxanne", was written and sung by Sting, as were all the group's subsequent hits.
In September 1981, Sting made his first live solo appearance, performing on the fourth Amnesty International benefit The Secret Policeman's Other Ball. Sting's participation in The Secret Policeman's Other Ball was the beginning of his growing involvement in raising money and consciousness for political and social causes.
His first solo album appeared in 1985. Sting released "Nothing Like the Sun" in 1987, including the hit songs "We'll Be Together", "Fragile", "Englishman in New York", and "Be Still My Beating Heart", dedicated to his mother, who had recently died. "Englishman In New York" was about the eccentric writer Quentin Crisp.
Sting is intensively involved in charity and human rights. A high point in his many contributions to human-rights causes came in 1988, when he joined a team of other major musicians assembled under the banner of Amnesty International for the six-week world tour.
In 1988, he released the single "They Dance Alone" which chronicled the plight of the mothers, wives and daughters of the "disappeared", the political opponents of the regime killed by the Pinochet Government in Chile. Unable to publicly voice their grievances to the government about their missing loved ones, for fear that they would "go missing" too, the women of Chile would pin photos of their "disappeared" relatives on their clothing, and dance in silent protest against the government in public places. Later, Sting would perform the song on stage in Chile and Argentina, dancing with some of those same women. He has said it was one of the most moving moments in his life.
Language Notes
is regarded as...: úgy tekintenek rá mint... vminek tekintik
the late 1970s: az 1970-es évek végén. Egyszerűen többes számba kell tenni az évszámot, kiejtésben is. Ha az évtized elején, akkor: the early... - mindig névelős.
Gordon would often assist his father: a would itt a WILL múlt ideje, és valószínűsíthető szokást jelent. Magyarra fordítani egyszerűen kijelentésként érdemes: gyakran segített neki.
which had been left behind: amelyet hátrahagyott... Figyelj fel a befejezett múlt igeidőre, hiszen az esemény eredményéről beszél a mondat: hátra volt hagyva a gitár. A nagybácsi emigrálása is ezért past perfect.
sneak into nightclubs: besurran az éjszakai klubba - a sneak-nek számos egyéb fordítása is lehetséges, de mindig ilyen titkos, lopakodós cselekvést jelent.
where he would watch acts: ismét a valószínű szokást jelentő would szerepel benne: fellépéseket nézett
artists who would later influence his own music: itt viszont már nem a valószínű szokás, hanem a WILL jövre utaló jelentésének múlt ideje ti. a későbbiekben majd ezek 'fogják' befolyásolni Sting zenéjét - csakhogy ez a jövő az írás idején már régesrég múlt idő lett.
construction labourer: construction worker is lehet - építőmunkás
qualified as a teacher: tanári képesítést szerzett
schoolteacher: általános vagy középiskolai tanár - lehetne egyszerűen teacher is, de az mindenféle tanárt jelent.
gig: fellépés, meglehetősen laza stílusú szó, talán buli, már amennyiben a zenész maga mondja
wherever he could get a playing job: ahol csak, bárhol, ahol... Az ever rész más kérdőnévmásokhoz is tehető így: whatever, whyever stb.
hooped: csavart - a hoop jelentése hurok, karika
while onstage: míg a színpadon volt - igazából participle szerrkezet lenne, demivel a létige szerepelne benne - being onstage -, ezért szabály szerint ezt alhagyjuk a mondatból.
made him look like a wasp: műveltető szerkezet, szó szerint: azt tette vele, hogy úgy nézzen ki mint egy méhecske
sting: csípés, leginkább a darázsé, méhecskéé, vagy bármilyen égető, csípő érzés. Fullánkot is jelent főnévként, illetve az ige maga is, megcsíp. Rendhagyó: sting, stung, stung.
who is this Gordon character: ki ez a Gordon gyerek? - vagy valami hasonlóképp lehet visszaadni. A character helyett lazábban lehetne guy is.
live appearance: [laɪv] élő fellépés
benefit: itt: jótékony célú rendezvény
raising money and consciousness: magyarra aligha lehet ugyanígy fordítani, de a raise mindkét főnévhez jól passzol angolul: raise money: pénzt gyűjt (jótékonysági céllal leginkább), raise consciousness - felhívja a figyelmet valamire (tudatosságot emel)
who had recently died: aki nem sokkal korábban halt meg (past perfect!)
chronicle: elmondja, elmeséli (krónikát 'ír' róla)
plight: itt: nehéz sors, szörnyű helyzet
assembled under the banner of Amnesty International: az AI zászlaja alatt fogtak össze, gyűltek egybe - már-már irodalmi stílus, de fogalmazásokban nem rossz ötlet használni.
voice their grievances: hangot adni sérelmeiknek
their loved ones: a szeretteik
for fear that: attól való félelmükben, hogy...
moving moment: megható pillanat
lead singer: együttes szólistája, énekeseis regarded as...: úgy tekintenek rá mint... vminek tekintik
the late 1970s: az 1970-es évek végén. Egyszerűen többes számba kell tenni az évszámot, kiejtésben is. Ha az évtized elején, akkor: the early... - mindig névelős.
Gordon would often assist his father: a would itt a WILL múlt ideje, és valószínűsíthető szokást jelent. Magyarra fordítani egyszerűen kijelentésként érdemes: gyakran segített neki.
which had been left behind: amelyet hátrahagyott... Figyelj fel a befejezett múlt igeidőre, hiszen az esemény eredményéről beszél a mondat: hátra volt hagyva a gitár. A nagybácsi emigrálása is ezért past perfect.
sneak into nightclubs: besurran az éjszakai klubba - a sneak-nek számos egyéb fordítása is lehetséges, de mindig ilyen titkos, lopakodós cselekvést jelent.
where he would watch acts: ismét a valószínű szokást jelentő would szerepel benne: fellépéseket nézett
artists who would later influence his own music: itt viszont már nem a valószínű szokás, hanem a WILL jövre utaló jelentésének múlt ideje ti. a későbbiekben majd ezek 'fogják' befolyásolni Sting zenéjét - csakhogy ez a jövő az írás idején már régesrég múlt idő lett.
construction labourer: construction worker is lehet - építőmunkás
qualified as a teacher: tanári képesítést szerzett
schoolteacher: általános vagy középiskolai tanár - lehetne egyszerűen teacher is, de az mindenféle tanárt jelent.
gig: fellépés, meglehetősen laza stílusú szó, talán buli, már amennyiben a zenész maga mondja
wherever he could get a playing job: ahol csak, bárhol, ahol... Az ever rész más kérdőnévmásokhoz is tehető így: whatever, whyever stb.
hooped: csavart - a hoop jelentése hurok, karika
while onstage: míg a színpadon volt - igazából participle szerrkezet lenne, demivel a létige szerepelne benne - being onstage -, ezért szabály szerint ezt alhagyjuk a mondatból.
made him look like a wasp: műveltető szerkezet, szó szerint: azt tette vele, hogy úgy nézzen ki mint egy méhecske
sting: csípés, leginkább a darázsé, méhecskéé, vagy bármilyen égető, csípő érzés. Fullánkot is jelent főnévként, illetve az ige maga is, megcsíp. Rendhagyó: sting, stung, stung.
who is this Gordon character: ki ez a Gordon gyerek? - vagy valami hasonlóképp lehet visszaadni. A character helyett lazábban lehetne guy is.
live appearance: [laɪv] élő fellépés
benefit: itt: jótékony célú rendezvény
raising money and consciousness: magyarra aligha lehet ugyanígy fordítani, de a raise mindkét főnévhez jól passzol angolul: raise money: pénzt gyűjt (jótékonysági céllal leginkább), raise consciousness - felhívja a figyelmet valamire (tudatosságot emel)
who had recently died: aki nem sokkal korábban halt meg (past perfect!)
chronicle: elmondja, elmeséli (krónikát 'ír' róla)
plight: itt: nehéz sors, szörnyű helyzet
assembled under the banner of Amnesty International: az AI zászlaja alatt fogtak össze, gyűltek egybe - már-már irodalmi stílus, de fogalmazásokban nem rossz ötlet használni.
voice their grievances: hangot adni sérelmeiknek
their loved ones: a szeretteik
for fear that: attól való félelmükben, hogy...
moving moment: megható pillanat
Sting, age 30 |
Sting was born born Gordon Sumner in Wallsend, England. His mother was a hairdresser, and his father a milkman. Young Gordon would often assist his father with the early-morning milk-delivery rounds and his "best friend" was an old Spanish guitar which had been left behind by an uncle who had emigrated to Canada. He would often sneak into nightclubs, where he would watch acts such as Cream and Jimi Hendrix, artists who would later influence his own music. After jobs as a bus conductor, a construction labourer, and a tax officer, he attended Northern Counties College of Education from 1971 to 1974 and qualified as a teacher. He then worked as a schoolteacher for two years.
His first music gigs were wherever he could get a playing job. He performed in jazz groups on evenings, weekends, and during breaks from college and from teaching. He also played with local jazz bands. He gained his nickname after he performed wearing a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes while onstage with the Phoenix Jazzmen. Bandleader Gordon Solomon thought that the sweater made him look like a wasp, which prompted the nickname "Sting". When addressed as "Gordon" by a journalist at a press conference, he jokingly stated, "My children call me Sting, my mother calls me Sting, who is this Gordon character?"
With drummer Stewart Copeland and guitarist Henry Palovani, who was replaced almost immediately by guitarist Andy Summers, Sting formed the group the Police in 1978. Their first hit song, "Roxanne", was written and sung by Sting, as were all the group's subsequent hits.
In September 1981, Sting made his first live solo appearance, performing on the fourth Amnesty International benefit The Secret Policeman's Other Ball. Sting's participation in The Secret Policeman's Other Ball was the beginning of his growing involvement in raising money and consciousness for political and social causes.
His first solo album appeared in 1985. Sting released "Nothing Like the Sun" in 1987, including the hit songs "We'll Be Together", "Fragile", "Englishman in New York", and "Be Still My Beating Heart", dedicated to his mother, who had recently died. "Englishman In New York" was about the eccentric writer Quentin Crisp.
Sting is intensively involved in charity and human rights. A high point in his many contributions to human-rights causes came in 1988, when he joined a team of other major musicians assembled under the banner of Amnesty International for the six-week world tour.
In 1988, he released the single "They Dance Alone" which chronicled the plight of the mothers, wives and daughters of the "disappeared", the political opponents of the regime killed by the Pinochet Government in Chile. Unable to publicly voice their grievances to the government about their missing loved ones, for fear that they would "go missing" too, the women of Chile would pin photos of their "disappeared" relatives on their clothing, and dance in silent protest against the government in public places. Later, Sting would perform the song on stage in Chile and Argentina, dancing with some of those same women. He has said it was one of the most moving moments in his life.
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